This user is already in your address book. The head shall take good care of his/ her residence booklet. Any unauthorized alter, transfer or lending is prohibited. In case of missing of the residence booklet, an immediate report to registration authority is required. 此用户已经记录在您的通讯簿中。户主对居民户口簿应妥善保管,严禁私自涂改、转让、出借。如有遗失,须立即报告户口登记机关。
The SMEs may be offered favorable financial services and support by enhancing competition in local credit markets and delegating more lending authority to local branches of stated-owned banks. 应积极促进地方信贷市场上的银行业竞争,并将国有银行地方分支机构的信贷决策权下放,以更好地服务于地方中小企业。
Because our country folk lending that aspects about the current legislative regulations exist deficiencies, resulting in the applicable law for more controversial, very beneficial to trigger the authority of law and unity, should be further improved. 我国现有的法律法规中对民间借贷的认定存在许多不足之处,以致在法律适用上引发了较多的争议,有碍于法律的权威性和统一性,有待于其进一步完善。